Kristin Goodchild


Kristin is a keen recreational fisherwoman, preferring the salt water over fresh, however will never say no to a fishing trip.

Fishing played a key role from a young age, growing up on a farm in the Barossa Valley with many dams full of fish and Yabbies, as well as spending time with her grandpa who was a professional fisherman on the Murray River. Her love for ocean fishing comes from the many holidays spent with her family at their beach house on the Yorke Peninsula spent on the water chasing snapper, whiting, garfish, squid, and tuna, and when she was old enough scuba diving for crayfish.


Often described as ‘the outdoorsy type’, she has built an online profile encouraging people to get out and responsibly enjoy the great outdoors, from fishing to four-wheel driving, she shares her adventures and learnings along the way. She is passionate about fishing and has a long list of target species on her fishing bucket list, often travelling all over the country to tick them off.

Fishing offers both social and mental health benefits, from the dopamine hit of catching your first fish, to the bonding experience often shared when enjoying flicking rods, Kristin advocates to increase the recreational fishing population in South Australia, so more people can enjoy the immeasurable rewards of the sport.

With a strong background in Sales and Management, she hopes to help drive positive change within the Recreational Fishing space in South Australia, to more closely algin with other leading states, to improve infrastructure, and to give a louder voice to government on behalf of recreational fishers.

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