FY 23/24
AGM Report
Throughout this year a large variety of opportunities and events have been made possible
through state government, council and community group collaboration with RecFish SA,
and we encourage all community members to take advantage of the variety of occasions
made possible through the work being undertaken within the organisation.
A tremendous effort from the RecFish SA volunteer base and board has ensured unprecedented
events, funding and support has emerged within the sector in SA and this has made a significant
contribution to increased participation and satisfaction from fishers within South Australia.
A special mention is appropriate for the SA State Government, fishing tackle industry
and stores, community NGO’s, habitat and conservation groups and various councils
for their collaborations throughout the year with RecFish SA and we look forward to
increasing the engagement we have together within the community looking forwards.
FY 22/23
AGM Report
Following the South Australian Labor Government initiation of RecFish SA as
the South Australian Recreational Fishing Peak Body, RecFish SA have been vital
partners in advocating for and delivering results, events, environmental outcomes,
funding and election commitments for the recreational fishing community.
Focussing on sustainability, fish abundance and diversity inclusion, recreational fishing
will continue to develop as South Australia progresses towards a bright recreational
fishing future, with RecFish SA continuing to progress important initiatives, programs
and solutions relevant to the 360,000 fisher people RecFish SA represent.
FY 21/22
RecFishSA – 2022 Annual Management Reports AGM
Statement of the Returning Officer
FY 20/21
Dear Members,
I wish to start by again acknowledging our members who have maintained their support for Recfish SA through some very trying times. It is so gratifying to have the support of a core group of people who passionately support recreational fishing for the right reasons.
I also wish to extend my thanks and gratitude to the amazing Board members have toiled selflessly through the past year to maintain the integrity of our organisation and position it for future success. I am certain that in years to come, recreational fishers will look back at the efforts of Levi, Alex, Lee, David, Laura, Neil and Josh and recognise the importance of the work they did to establish a solid foundation for our success.
As I step down from my role on the Board, I look back fondly at the relationships that have been built with so many amazing people and I am sure that many of these will endure.
Tight Lines,
Mick Wilson
FY 19/20
The 2020 AGM format has been changed to an online format to adhere to new state Covid-19 restrictions. A link to our online AGM will be distributed to financial members, with the 2020 AGM documents accessible here – RecFishSA 2020 AGM_final
The Board of RecFish SA wish to thank our members for their unwavering support, through what has been a challenging year for all. Stay safe and tight lines.
FY 18/19
RecFish SA has unfortunately been forced to undergo a major change with the removal of our funding. Despite this, we remain committed to the recreational fishing sector and look forward to adapting to a volunteer capacity to be able to continue to service the needs of recreational fishers around the state. We forecast the need for conservative financial decision making, but remain steadfast in our roles of advocacy, representation and delivering projects to improve recreational fishing in SA. Please find our 2018/2019 financial report below.
For RecFish SA, the past year has been one of further growth and achievement. A growing membership base, broader engagement with the community and the delivery of some great project successes mean that RecFish SA continues to increase its capacity to deliver solid outcomes for SA’s 277,000 recreational fishers.
Access the 2016/17 RecFish SA Annual Report here. (2.6MB PDF)
2016 was been a year of unprecedented success at RecFish SA. Our membership and the reach of our community network continues to grow, as does our organisational capacity and ability to deliver benefits for South Australian recreational fishers.
Standout achievements include our largest ever community consultation campaign, the stocking of thousands of fish into two reservoirs and assisting with Murray cod stocking and research. We are also pleased to announce the development of a new fish habitat partnership with with OzFish Unlimited and the appointment of our own Fish Habitat Officer.
Over the past year, RecFish SA’s projects have also lead to the production of a sustainable fishing videos program and the development of a comprehensive fishing venues map. Our team has attended community events and has enjoyed teaching many South Australian kids how to fish.
Access the 2015/16 RecFish SA Annual Report here. (2.6MB PDF)