The Angel Rings project is coming to South Australia



The Australian National Sportfishing Association (ANSA) in partnership with the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation and the Department of Fisheries and Forestry has commenced a trial of “Angel Rings” around Australia. Angel Rings are lifesaving buoys placed at popular rockfishing spots to aid rockfishers, tourists and the members of the public who slip or get washed in to the water.

ANSA and RecFish SA want to know where anglers around South Australia would like us to locate some of these new life rings. Iconic spots that are well known and often written about in the media will also be considered. The plan is to set up a pilot project in SA and then get the assistance of local anglers, fishing clubs, statewide representative bodies and community groups to look after them and expand the project. angelringsman

There are already 136 rings in NSW and there have been 57 confirmed rescues; there is no doubt that project is worthwhile and saves lives!

The roll out of the project will also encompass an education campaign to raise the safety awareness of anglers who fish the rocks and make them a bit more experienced in reading the conditions. Angel Rings are just a small but important part of the rockfishing safety spectrum.

You can help! – Just tell us where you think an Angel Ring could improve fishing safety?

Suggest Angel Ring Location(s) for South Australia

We want your input! Please take a moment to suggest one or more South Australian locations where you think an Angel Ring should be placed. Results will be collected and will inform the pilot project

What location(s) do you think could best use an Angel Ring?

Just for verification to ensure a fair process

Check out this Angel Rings Video!



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