by admin | Sep 13, 2016 | Media Releases
[Immediate Release] On Saturday September 10 RecFish SA in partnership with OzFish Unlimited, hosted its first Fishers for Fish Habitat forum at Port Noarlunga. The forum gathered recreational fishers from around the State, where they engaged with presentations from...
by admin | May 30, 2016 | Media Releases
South Australian recreational fishers are set to have two new prime freshwater fishing destinations in the near future, with RecFish SA announcing that they have stocked 24,000 native fish into the Warren and Bundaleer Reservoirs. In total, 8,000 Murray cod, 11,000...
by admin | Dec 1, 2015 | Media Releases
RecFish SA, the peak body for recreational fishing in South Australia, has today responded to news that fishers have been caught attempting to sell and trade their catch on social media. This was first announced by the Minister for Fisheries on Sunday November 29 and...
by admin | May 27, 2015 | Media Releases
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RecFish SA, the peak body representing recreational fishers in South Australia, announced today that along with other recreational fishing bodies around Australia, it considerers the industry response to a proposal to minimise the impact of the...
by admin | Dec 11, 2014 | Media Releases, Recfish SA News
SA Murray Cod Stocking Project Announced...